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Wellingtons New Elite - Cyclists!

September 13, 2024 2 min read

There have been a few comedic headlines in the media of late about cycling and cycle lanes, but instead of being outraged we’ll roll with it! After all, the rise of urban cycling will continue even against the occasional headwind.

One article we find a bit comedic is this article in The Post by a Wellington Entrepreneur who claims Wellington Cyclists are now the Elite. We just can't resist having a bit of fun with this - Thanks Luke.

A letter to our customers regarding our pop-up rebrand:

Let’s face it, the Elite class has always had an easier life. From jet-setting, to tax-breaks to priority service. Life is easy for The Elite. That’s why we agree with prominent lifelong Wellingtonians that you ARE Wellingtons new Elite. Embrace it, after all you live a first class life enjoying all the benefits that your Elite cyclist lifestyle offers.

  • Free parking wherever you go.

  • Priority lanes through traffic, no sitting in queues for you.

  • Transport with minimal running cost that chauffeurs you door to door.

  • Your own personal fitness trainer providing a morning and afternoon fitness regime

  • Free donuts, coffee and bike checks on your morning commute, just because.

  • Exclusive events: Cargobike picnics, Bike Raves, Film nights, Gravel rides

You have risen above the masses. You are the One-percenters that make drivers rage with envy as they see you breeze by. But unlike other elites, the more of you that cycle, the better off everyone will be!

As we grow from being the One-percenters to 10, 20 or 50 percenters the roads will be liberated for all road users. Suddenly cars will have room to move, room to park, room to do things that are indeed better done by car. So let’s celebrate the fact that we are the Elite with a life-hack transport solution that’s good for us, and ultimately good for everyone.

To celebrate your elevation to Elite status, we’re changing our business name for the remainder of September to Elite Cycles - Enjoy!


We hope you take the temporary rebrand in the spirit its intended, we just want to have a bit of fun.  Also worthy of a read and a laugh is this piece by Joel MacManus in the Spinoff.

There is no doubt the past year has felt a bit glum for many Wellingtonians. A great number of people have lost their jobs or contracts, living costs are high and much loved businesses have closed around us.  It's easy for people to get a bit negative when times are hard and that also plays out in media opinions.  So lets not take it too seriously, it'll head the right way in the end, we can see that by the number of you out there riding daily!

To spread a bit of cheer and lighten the mood we're also busy planning some spring and summer events. Look for us out on the streets and in your inbox as we send word out in the coming weeks.  In the meantime get out there and spread some smiles yourself. Smile to drivers, do a little dance at the stoplight, whatever cheers you up a bit. It's gonna be a fun season and we can't wait to see you out there