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Introducing Pit Stops

June 29, 2023 1 min read

Lube chain. Inflate tyres. Check brakes.

Wish someone could just tend to these tasks in the time it take for you to enjoy a coffee? Bicycle Junction has your back.

We recommend bikes come in for a service every thousand kilometers or so. In between that time we recommend keeping the tyres well inflated and ensuring the chain is regularly lubed. We know that people are busy and bike maintenance is not for everyone. That's why we're offering a Pit-Stop service that takes care of that in-between-services-servicing ;)

A Pit-Stop is a $25 while-you-wait service and includes a voucher for a hot drink. We will pump your tyres, lube your chain and check your brake wear. We'll also advise if we see any issues that may require a more thorough check, so you can rest assured your bike is up to speed without losing momentum from your busy schedule.

No need to book - just drop on by!

How often do I need to tend to my bike?

You should be checking your tyre pressure every couple of weeks - see the side walls of your tyre for the recommended pressure.

Lubricate your chain every week or two unless it's been wet out, which usually means you'll need to lubricate more regularly. 

Find out how to check your brakes for wear in this blog.

If you're more DIY minded and keen to do this yourself we've written a bunch of helpful blogs on the subject. Find our blogs here.

Need to simply book a service? 

Book online here OR give us a call on 04-385 2362