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12 Months Interest Free with GEM

March 25, 2025 1 min read

To make biking more accessible amidst soaring fuel prices and increased bus fares, we're offering 12 months interest-free financing on all electric bikes. 

Do the math here - GEM Visa Interest Free Calculator

Pay it on a 12 month interest-free plan* 12 months interest free with equal monthly payments.*

Minimum purchase on electric bikes only. Equal monthly payments required. Offer available from 1/07/2024 ending 31/07/2024.

• Available on participating Gem Visa or Gem CreditLine credit cards only.
• New customers must apply and be approved for a Gem Visa credit card.

If you'd like to explore other payment options check out Workride. Workride is New Zealand’s ride-to-work benefit scheme designed around a 'salary sacrifice' model where employees opt to reduce their pre-tax salary to buy a bike. 

Learn more about GEM Visa

*Terms & Conditions:

Up to 12 months of equal interest free instalments with [Gem Visa/Gem CreditLine] as [an instalment plan advance (Gem Visa)/ a CreditLine Select advance (Gem CreditLine)]. Amount payable will be shown on your monthly statement. Minimum purchase applies. Credit and lending criteria and fees, including a Gem Visa $55 establishment fee and annual fees ($65 Gem Visa (charged $32.50 half yearly). Available on participating Gem Visa or Gem CreditLine credit cards only. New customers must apply and be approved for a Gem Visa credit card. Credit provided by Latitude Financial Services Limited.