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FAQ Cargo


A cargo bike is simply a bicycle designed to carry more than one rider and their light baggage, this may be a full week’s shopping, a couple of kids, building materials, a lazy friend, or a combination of all of them. Generally, they are designed to have such high carrying capacities that they can truly act as car replacements in an urban or suburban environment.

Most of our full size cargo bikes can carry up to 100kg of cargo weight in addition to the rider, so likely your legs will determine how much you can (or want) to take with you. Our team is always happy to chat and discuss how you can carry the loads you’ve got in mind for your new cargo bike. For a more detailed post about cargo bike load capacities, click here.

Cargo bikes are put under very different loads than standard bikes and ours are all built to withstand this heavy use. However, when it is time for a tune-up it’ll be important to make sure you use a mechanic experienced with cargo bikes and that they can get the proper replacement parts for your ride. Items like brake pads, chains, and wheels come under considerably more strain than on a conventional bike and should be selected specifically for this task. The team at Bicycle Junction is always about to help you keep your cargo bike running tip-top. For more information about how often you should get your bike serviced, click here.

Absolutely. With a bit of practice and time, all our cargo bikes are very achievable to ride and a lot of fun. If you're unsure about whether you'll be able to handle a fully-loaded up cargo bike, we made a post adressing this specific question here.

The best way to see for yourself whether you'll be able to manage one of these bikes is just by taking them for a test ride. If you want to book a test ride for one of our bikes, then you can do so hereIf you're unsure of what you should test ride first, then either pop into store or give us a ring and we'll work from there.